03 April 2008

My Secret Sin of Pride

Generally, as a pregnant lady, I really suck. I am a whiner, I hate getting bigger, and I regret to say that I'm not a good sport at all. This time around, though, I have a secret weapon.*

After Lucy was born, I worked really hard to get back in shape. I didn't get entirely where I wanted to be, but my endurance was up enough that I fairly easily continued working out into this pregnancy. This is the 1st time I've really pushed myself in running (or moving, for that matter) while pregnant, and it feels great! I am so much more confident about my body, and I feel so powerful when I realize that people are looking at me at the gym thinking, Wow, that pregnant lady is sure making an effort!

I'm 24 weeks pregnant right now, and I'm not sure how long the running will continue. I've had to slow down a bit, but I still go about 2.5 miles every other day. That's something, at least. I figure when my belly starts to really get astronomical, I'll switch machines or maybe continue the treadmill slowly at a higher incline.

*For those who are unaware, I do have another, more important, secret weapon. He is my doctor, whom I've nicknamed He-Man. Dr. He-Man takes pity on me because my infants come out at about the size of an average 4 month old, and he induces me smartly at 37 weeks.

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