04 April 2008

The Dating Game

Last night's book club (we've entertained a nomination to rename ourselves as My Book Club Should Really Be Called Wine Club) featured little discussion of our hilarious read, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. That's a positive, though, because in our lack of book discussion, we had plenty of time to discuss the dating disasters of several single ladies. Truly, I don't think I have laughed so hard since we watched Death at a Funeral. I wish I could indulge you with some of these dates from hell, but I think I'll keep them private for the sake of the guilty. Perhaps someday they, too, will find their matches.

As I drove home out of the city last night, I was overcome by a feeling of true female camaraderie. It occurred to me that the women around me were each in their own unique stages of life and love---some single, some dating, some married and pregnant. And yet our laughter and empathy for one another through the trials and successes of these various stages was so genuine. As we stuffed our faces with crudites and hummus, I wondered, can men possibly bond on this level at poker night?


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Oh, man! You're making me more bummed I missed book club. Instead of sharing dating disaster stories, I had to endure 3 hours of economics and a pop quiz. There was no bonding nor any hilarious story sharing time with the professor nor any hummus.

Sriracha said...

Miss A, Your blog is a delight. And the answer to your very "Sex in the City" question is, of course, no.