14 April 2008

It Goes So Fast: This Weekend

As usual, it's Monday morning and it seems like Friday to Sunday is a blur that passed without enough time in between. Lucy was sick this weekend with quite a fever (103.5), so we spent most of the weekend hanging out at home and canceling plans. John went to the Wild game Friday night, and I caught up on my brother's latest novel. While I was reading, the local cops (4 squad cars full of them) were outside my bedroom window questioning two guys. I'm waiting to get the scoop from an inside source.
On Saturday, Tommy and I went to the gym. He played dinosaurs and I ran. Then we hit the grocery store, and he behaved like an angel as he gulped down a Slurpee and about 10 food samples. For dinner on Saturday night, I pulled out the George Foreman grill to make grilled chicken sandwiches on thick French rolls. I sliced up avocado, slathered on mayo, and also added my new favorite type of tomato---Campari. Yum.
On Sunday, John & I alternated church attendance to take a break from holy discipline. Then we walked around the mall, met the cousins for ice cream, and convinced my sister to keep an eye on Tommy while we took Lucy out for Mexican food. Lucy loved a bit a personal time out with Mom and Dad. She garnered attention from several nearby tables, and danced back and forth in her highchair to the music of a charming trio.
Then it was an all-new Desperate Housewives (finally!), and off to bed.

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