20 June 2008

Salute to the End

It's getting to be the bitter end: the point at which I must waddle instead of walk. This morning, the kids sat in the double stroller as I waddled around the marsh near our home. Geez, pushing that thing is burdensome. It is actually easier to run than waddle behind that stroller.

At most, I've got 2 weekends left before this baby makes a grand entrance into the world. The baby is wide awake right now, pushing and prodding around in my belly, which sticks out over the edge of my laptop keyboard as I type.

I can't say that pregnancy is enjoyable yet---no, no; far from it. However, it does seem to have gone by a little more quickly and a little more smoothly this time. Perhaps that's due to the other rugrats occupying my time. Or maybe I've just become somewhat numb to what seems a constant stage of my life.

Some of the things I will appreciate post-partum include:

1.)Putting on underwear more easily. I'm not talking about size here; I'm talking about balance. It is very difficult to balance on one foot and angle your other foot into a tiny hole when you can't see that hole because your belly is in the way.
2.)Chasing my kids around and giving them kiss attacks. Unfortunately, pregnancy prevents some of the most fun tickling and wrestling that parents love to do.
3.) Bike riding. It seems like every darn summer, I keep saying how much I miss bike riding. Then I get knocked up again and I'm afraid to fall off the bike.
4.) Booze. Well, most of you know I'll indulge in an occasional drink while pregnant. Dr. He-Man says it's fine, people! But it will be nice to order a glass of wine at a restaurant again. Public scrutiny is quite intense at my size.

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