23 June 2008

Hormonal Thriller

Well, the verdict is in: #3 is scheduled to be born 2 weeks, 4 days early on Tuesday, July 8. July 8 seems like a fine enough birthday, but it's definitely no 4th of July.

John and I both went to the doctor this morning; the ultrasound tech pronounced the baby to be of normal size for this point in the pregnancy. Nothing is really normal about baby size in our family, so we'll see whether her predictions ring true two weeks from tomorrow.

After the doc, John picked out some fancy new eyeglasses and then we headed for lunch at a longtime favorite, Punch Pizza. By this point, I was feeling nauseated from hunger and thirst. (Normally, I have about 3 glasses of water and ice chips by 11am, and I forgot to bring even one bottle of water with me to the doc.) As we ordered our pizza, I requested a BIG Coke. The biggest available. I didn't realize the cups were refillable.

As John and I laughed over my urgent and desperate plea for cola, I suddenly found my laughter turning into tears...uncontrollable ones. John quickly tried to make amends, "I didn't meant anything by it, dear!" I knew he didn't. It was just a strange and sudden hormonal shift.

I have a feeling many more are on the way.


Sriracha said...

Let's just talk to The Feds. I'm sure we can get Independence Day moved to July 8. (Plusalso, let's hang out soon. I'm free on Fridays.)

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

I hope the delivery goes well today. You and your family are in my prayers today.

Post photos soon!

P.S. I know you're having a baby and all, but you still need to go to book club on Thursday.