27 April 2009

Burst of Joy

It was the first time we brought Tommy to church that he truly worshiped God.  Last night, John and I hired a baby-sitter for the younger two kids and took Tom to one of our neighboring Catholic churches.  Our hometown church tends to be more conservative in its liturgy, which we really appreciate in teaching our children about the tradition of liturgy.  The church we attended last night had a more contemporary Mass with guitar-led songs, something I personally relish on occasion and also love for the enthusiasm it inspires particularly in young Catholics.

To say that my heart burst with joy is to understate my emotion as Tommy sang loudly in praise of God last night.  He behaved so well, and John and I finally felt that our efforts at instilling love for God in our children might be helping them understand how amazing God is.

It was one of those motherhood experiences that can't quite be conveyed with words.  One of those hours so rich with emotion that tears of joy pool in my heart (and my eyes!) to remember it.

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