06 January 2006

Surburbia Sellout?

It is my first post of the New Year and I am here to report that we may be selling out to suburbia. I won't comment on any precise location, but you know what I mean...blocks and blocks of homes that look identical except for that one couple who painted their door red.

How does this happen? How does a city-loving, apartment dwelling couple go suburban? They walk into a townhome and realize that there are CLOSETS THE SIZE OF AN APARTMENT. AND JACUZZI BATHTUBS. AND 3 BR, 2.5 BA BRAND, SPANKIN' NEW OPPORTUNITIES for $50,000 less than similiar, near-the-city, old accomodations.

We haven't sold out yet, but it's looking good and soon.

1 comment:

Sriracha said...

No! Don't! Please! Tommy deserves better. He deserves a home with proximity to the city and grandparents AND ME!!!