07 October 2005

Throaty Concern

Banana bread scares me because it is so thick that it gets stuck in my throat and I think I will choke and die. The last time I made banana bread, I was pregnant and I swore I would not forget to drink a liquid (preferably milk) anytime I ate it.

I forgot today.

In other news, I was supposed to have a lunch date with a gal pal from the past this afternoon, but she never called. I suppose I could have called her, too...although I did leave the confirmation message yesterday and thought it was her due turn. This brings me to several points:

1.) Caller ID is the devil. Have you noticed how you (and anyone else) are rarely in the mood to answer a call at the given moment someone chooses to call you? You avoid the call, thinking you'll call them when you're more in the mood...and then you do return the call, only to get voicemail and realize s/he is now not in the mood for you. Does this seem healthy?


2.) I'd just rather not get into that right now.

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