05 October 2005

Changed the Sheets Twice

So, I was feeling pretty proud of myself this morning. I positioned my unsuspecting infant atop a new blue sheet for a photo shoot, thinking the color would match his eyes nicely. Tommy doesn't smile when I take out the camera; he simply stares at me in wonderment or defiance, thinking Mom, what is that contraption and do you actually think you're the boss of me?

After a few minutes, I hear that familiar burbling sound which indicates Tommy is going to the bathroom. Great, I think. Pooping always puts my son in a good mood. Maybe he'll smile.

No such luck.

My son stares at me as usual, this time surely knowing what I don't: his diaper is unable to handle the massive diaherrea leaking onto my nice, blue sheet...Through to my nice, white sheet...Through the mattress.

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