05 April 2013

The End of Winter

It is one of those weeks when I can't seem to stay on top of what I need to get done around here.  Every time I think I'm making headway cleaning a toilet, the kids are busy dumping tiny legos out in a fury of creation in another part of the house.
I keep trying to chill out and understand that this phase of my life will not last forever.  But it has been a long time.
Truly, I often dream of a week in which I can clean the whole house for a day (or even two!) and then just sit in a clean house without one additional thing breaking or tumbling down the stairs.  I guess everyone has a dream, right?
It's been a long winter.  When I look back on my adult life, it surprises me to realize that the times of great joy have almost invariably been times also of great challenge.  Every birth and infancy in our home has been that way.  I suppose there is a euphoric elation that accompanies challenges, allowing us to see our blessings even when we are entrenched in a trial.
Frank is asleep, and there are about a hundred things I wanted to accomplish in the the short window before he is crawling around and stick fingers in outlets again.
Back at it, I guess.    Friday Funday.

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