Dear Tommy,
Today is your first day of kindergarten! Unbelievable. I bet that by now, you're off of the bus and already listening to Mrs. P's directions for the day. How did you get so old so quickly? And yet still, how can you only be 5 years old? Grandpa and I often marvel at how it seems like you've been around forever.
We started the day with K for kindergarten pancakes, and I scrambled up some eggs for a little protein alongside them. Then it was Tommy's Choice field trip, and off to the Arboretum for 3 rounds of the hedge maze and some playtime in their stick park. We were there for almost 2 hours! I guess kindergarten isn't going to tear you too far away from me if we still have the whole morning together.
Daddy surprised us all by driving home over lunch to see you off on the big yellow bus. That was the hard part! There was just something monumental about letting you get into a huge vehicle of transportation. And yet, of course, you were brave and ready and I was overcome with emotion. You just plopped down in the window seat next to Michael and probably thought more about your water bottle than about the vastness of kindergarten.
What are you learning right now?
There are so many things about you that challenge me as a mother, Tom. You are proud and stubborn and brilliant and creative. You are kind and fickle and prone to tantrums. You are full of energy and a leader. You are cautious and very aware of danger, but lately, you've realized the value of risk once in a while.
I had a good laugh this morning when you presented an impromptu skit to me at the seemed to read the lines off a script in your mind. You paused for comedic effect and struck a pose when necessary. You pulled Lucy and Jimmy into the act and let them know just what they should be doing.
What will you grow to become over the next years, Tommy? I guess only time will tell. Use your good heart from God, kiddo. It won't lead you astray.
I love you and am of course waiting for the Seal bus to deliver you home.
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