14 September 2010

A Day of Firsts

What a big day for our family yesterday! Lucy was elated to have her first official day of preschool! Since Tommy went to the same school and she also attended Vacation Bible School there this summer, Lucy just marched into the classroom with her head up and no nerves at all. I had to steal a kiss because she was so eager to get to socializing....err, work. :)

As I've thought about this transition for Lucy over the past weeks, I've continually marveled at how different she is than Tommy at this juncture. Most people I know seem to agree that there is a general difference between boys and girls at this age: girls seems more ready to color and perform in learning the writing act of letters and numbers, while boys are a bit more antsy and less willing to sit down for traditional academics.

I can only hope for Lucy that school is everything it can be---an inspiration to learn continually, to be the best you can be, which is always changing.

On that note, I went through quite a change last night myself in putting on a black polo shirt and training in for my first job since I had the kids. I picked up a gig at our gym, working part-time at the information & front desks. I have to admit that this technical "work" is really a break from being a mom! It was actually refreshing to clock in and talk to adults about something non-kid for a while last night.

I've been a member at our gym for 4 years, so transitioning into employment there is really natural, on one hand. On the other hand, I wondered how a work uniform would change my experience and community there. It's always interesting to see how people treat you when you are an employee providing a service. I suppose there will be many more observations about that over the coming months.

As I was swiping membership cards last night, John took Tommy and Lucy over to the first night of skating lessons. Lucy was a level ahead of Tommy since she started this summer, but she was pretty disappointed because Tommy and cousin Walt got to be in the beginner level together. Hopefully everyone will ready for open skating at Uncle Brian's home ice rink this winter.

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