21 November 2008

What the Teacher Says

I just returned from Lucy's playgroup, where several of the moms discussed recent parent-teacher conferences for their pre-schoolers. Don't teachers know that moms (especially first-time ones) get worked up about these information sessions? Don't they know we all want to hear a little bit of good about our children with the bad?

The theme of several of these conferences seemed to be turning introverted kids into extroverts. The moms involved felt badly, as if they hadn't done a good enough job socializing their child in pre-school preparation. What? Pre-school preparation? Taught socialization? Aren't some of these things supposed to be natural?

For moms out there with shy children, don't fret. You child is not alone, and is not even a minority in being shy. Almost ALL the kids in Tommy's pre-school class are introverted. They are little sweethearts who have to warm up to someone before answering questions or giving a hug. And this is not a bad thing.

I have often said my kids could use a good shot o' shy. They would walk away with any stranger who had candy or promised them a quarter to ride the mall fire engine.

Sigh. If only the teachers knew how much of our time is spent worrying. Perhaps they'd change their tactics...

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