15 January 2013

The Shining Moments

Dear Tom,
Oh, parenthood!  It is so easy to get overwhelmed when you kids are squabbling and asking for stuff.  Not always politely, I might add. 
Let me go backwards a bit, though.  This week, you have had some TRULY shining moments:
-Boldly inquiring as to whether Grandma M might like to purchase a copy of your first book report for second grade.  (She did...for $1.  Go businessman!)
-Sensitively drawing a picture for sick Grandpa M of you and him fishing side by side.
-Singing like an angel beside Mom at church after sitting quietly and reading...without interrupting me once...for a very long parent meeting at church.
Let me remember these moments, Tom.  Let us both celebrate the love and ingenuity in your heart.  Too many times in families, the hard parts drag us down.  I want to remember that you fill my heart with joy and affection and pride.

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