24 November 2009

Cleaning and Diapering and Cleaning and Laundry

Lately it seems my life it pretty much picking things up. Wow, three kids can make quite a mess! Tommy's preferred toys are now practically all smaller than a marble, and Jimmy is at the wonderful stage when he flicks food off of his highchair tray with reckless abandon.

Lucy prefers to dip most of her food in milk, including meat and toast.

Despite the mess, I have to say that managing these kids is becoming more of a joy and less of an impossibility these days. In fact, last week when John was on an overnight up north, I took all three of them to Perkins for breakfast by myself.

Actually, just writing that last sentence makes me proud.

You see, just 6 months ago, John and I laughed at the idea of taking our kids out to eat anywhere...even together. It was just too impossible. They were too crazy! The food was everywhere, the noise was ridiculous. John often commented that he felt a heart attack coming on just stepping into a restaurant with our brood.

Don't get me wrong. Our kids are still not perfect. (See above!) But as they age and learn to use straws and sit still for at least a few moments, I'm relishing the change in our family. I love having a "baby" that's nearly a year and a half, carrying only a few diapers per day, and feeling we can enjoy hiking or swimming or wrestling around in the yard as a family.

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