23 October 2006

Materialism: The Reason for the Season

I have to admit I'm already pretty well prepared for the gift-buying season. I have a list of what I'm buying for who, and (to toot my own horn a bit) I have already figured out what I'm getting for those my most difficult-to-shop-for category.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is Tommy, of course. I can barely go into a toy store or think about Christmas without wanting to buy him just about every toy out there. Ok, I am exaggerating a little. First of all, I definitely do not want to buy him any of the Noisy Toys out there, and that's almost all of them. Second of all, I do have a pared-down sense of what is needed, compared to most parents, so I don't think I'm going overboard. Still, I haven't bought him a thing yet. I think the longer I wait, the less likelihood of excess...

And also, days like today come when I realize that getting him more toys won't occupy him any more than those he already has do. In fact, he has spent the last 45 minutes playing on the living room rug as quietly as a mouse with just 3 items:

1.) A cup,
2.) A brush, and
3.) A rubber duck.

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