16 May 2014

More Like a Life Wish

Last night, our bed was overly-full with kids as we sat down and relaxed, watching Leave it to Beaver.  Throughout the night, we had a few pop-ins from kids with nightmares and various "dire" needs.  Today, my big kids are off to school and the littlest hugs me so sweetly and tightly.  I just wrote a note to John, and realized that soon, our team of kids will be 9, 7, 6, and 2.
To the woman I met this week who wondered if four children was a death wish:  It really isn't.  It's a wild and crazy ride...and it's not for everyone.  But from where I stand, being a mom to four kids like mine is a pretty beautiful thing.  I wish I had known how to convey that to you in our brief interaction this week.